Emerson Elementary was chosen as the next school in which Riverside AAUW will donate books. It was decided that books be donated directly to the teachers. When books were donated to the Fremont library last December, it required additional work for the already-busy librarian.  With her reduced hours, by May, she still had not had enough time to take care of the paperwork for the placing of the books in the school’s library.    It was recommended that the books be given directly to the teachers.

Russ Bouton is the principal of Emerson. He informed me that there would be 5 Kindergarten classes this coming year not exceeding more than 25 students per class.      He would like to see each teacher being given 25 books. Our group would be giving 125 books to the “K” classes for the coming year. Mr. Bouton mentioned that the gift will be mentioned at the School Board meeting.  Anyone who wishes to help with this project can donate Kindergarten level books or money to buy books.  For more information you can click HERE.