More From our Tech Trek Girls

Carolyn Perez, Alyssa Saldana, Audrey Dunn, Fernanda Delgadillo, Rachel Newhall, Kaylen Gomez, Andrea Galvez-McDonough

Dear Riverside AAUW Branch,

Thank you for giving me this glorious opportunity to attend this amazing college.  This scholarship has given me an opportunity to experience some once in a lifetime moments, and getting an idea of what it is like to meet new people from all over.

Some items that we’ve done this week are building bridges.  I learned that a bridge must have a truss or else it will start collapsing.  Something I learned about in marine biology were sharks.  For example, did you know that you could earn a lot about a shark just by examining its teeth?  The shape of the shark’s teeth depends on what they eat.  While I’m discussing the marine biology topic, I would like to throw out a little fact.  Sea stars spit their stomach out on top of their food, let the stomach digest their food, then they gobble their stomach right back up.

Now that I’ve told you about some things that I learned I just want to say thank you.  I also want to reassure you that you haven’t wasted money be sending me here.  That money has given me an opportunity to realize my interest in marine life.

Sincerely yours,

Andrea Galvez


Dear AAUW Riverside Chapter,

I am really enjoying Tech Trek.  It has been so fun!!  I had a blast.  My favorite part was when we went on the boat.  I was soaked!  I was inspired by the forensic pathologist.  I hope that one day I could become a police woman or something in that field of forensics.  Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to attend Tech Trek.  I hope that I can have this experience again.


Kaylen Gomez


Dear AAUW Riverside Chapter,

I would like to thank you for raising funds so that I could go to Tech Trek  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and because of you, I was able to attend this camp.

Tech Trek has given me tools that will help me excel in math and science, as well as help me get into a great college.  Not only has Tech Trek given me educational skills, but it has also given me social skills.  I have met and come close friends with many girls.  I am usually shy, but this camp has shown me hoe to come out of my shell and meet new people.

Once again, I would like to thank you for all you have done to get me to Tech Trek.  I appreciate how much money you have raised so that not only me, but one hundred an eighty other girls, could experience the college life, meet new people, and understand the importance of women in the field of science.


Alyssa Saldana