Category Archives: Event

Title IX Celebrates 44 Years

531650_289441587854354_1275214354_n House ofNo person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.  This short sentence was signed into law on June 23rd, 1972.  What a difference it has made, not only in Athletics, but, increasingly,  in college level sexual harassment cases.

AAUW member, Patsy Mink, co-authored and sponsored the bill in the Representatives.  In 2002 it was subsequently renamed The Patsy Mink Equal Opportunity Education Act in her honor after her death.imagesEVYVC2K9


Equal Pay Day For All


Yesterday was Equal Pay Day, the symbolic day when women’s pay finally “catches up” to men’s pay from the previous year. But don’t forget that the pay gap is even larger for women of color, whose “Equal Pay Days” are much later this year. Get all the facts →

AAUW Statement on Passing of U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia


The American Association of University Women (AAUW) joins the nation in mourning the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Our sincere condolences go out to his family and friends, including his fellow justices with whom he has helped shape the course of American jurisprudence for nearly 30 years.

The Supreme Court has pending cases that will greatly affect the everyday lives of women and their families, and Justice Scalia’s untimely death creates a vacancy at a critical juncture. It is in the face of losing such a legal giant that we remember how fortunate we are, as a nation, to have a constitutional process to see us smoothly through this transition.

AAUW is hopeful that our elected leaders will rise above the partisan fray and simply do what the Constitution requires: President Barack Obama and the U.S. Senate must move forward to fairly and expeditiously select and consider a nominee. In so doing, the American people will be reassured that a fully staffed court will be available to deliver this year’s critical Supreme Court decisions.

An Historic Climate Agreement Signed


The global community signed an historic agreement at the Paris climate talks to tackle the threat of climate change and accelerate the shift to clean energy around the world. This is a momentous breakthrough. 185 countries have pledged to reduce their climate change pollution, strengthen their climate commitments every five years, protect people living on the front lines of climate impacts, and help developing nations expand their clean energy economies.

Most important, this agreement sets ambitious goals. It calls for holding global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, with a first step of keeping us at no more than 2 degrees of warming.

Reaching the 2-degree target is essential to prevent catastrophic climate impacts, but scientists say it still leaves us open to dangerous levels of rising seas, food insecurity, and extreme drought. It would make the Marshall Islands and other island nations uninhabitable and expose countless vulnerable communities to deadly harm. Keeping the temperature rise at no more than 1.5 degrees will sustain these communities and create a brighter, more stable future for our children and grandchildren.

Seeing 185 countries commit to cutting carbon pollution, seeing some 2,400 mayors and city leaders devote their communities to clean energy, seeing thousands of business leaders and investors affirm that this is good for the economy—and furthermore, that we can’t afford the high cost of waiting—has left me with a real sense of hope about our collective future.

The climate talks also represent the moment when it became clear that our hope for the future has not been misplaced. Yes, this will be a long and difficult struggle. Yes, there’s still much more to be done. But so many moments in Paris helped demonstrate that victory is within our reach.

Book Discussion

What are you doing next Thursday night, August 13th at 7:00 P.M.?  I hope you’ll be at Lisa’s for a wonderful discussion of a riveting book, The Hare with Amber Eyes by 61f7Cn+vkHL__AA160_Edmund De Waal.

The Ephrussis were a grand banking family, as rich and respected as the Rothschilds, who “burned like a comet? in nineteenth-century Paris and Vienna society. Yet by the end of World War II, almost the only thing remaining of their vast empire was a collection of 264 wood and ivory carvings, none of them larger than a matchbox.

The renowned ceramist Edmund de Waal became the fifth generation to inherit this small and exquisite collection netsuke. Entranced by their beauty and mystery, he determined to trace the story of his family through the story of the collection.

A marvelously absorbing synthesis of art history, detective story and memoir. A nimble history of one of the richest European families at the turn of the century. Remarkable.

Do get the book and come to the discussion at Lisa’s.  If you need directions, e-mail Jo at