AAUW Shines in 2012

In the past year, AAUW and our advocates have had an undeniable impact in our nation’s capital, on college campuses, in our branches and communities, and around the world. We have made our voices heard, but we know that our work must continue until all women are empowered with a fair chance.

Did you know that AAUW:

  • now has over 150,000 members and supporters
  • awarded over $4.3 million in fellowships and grants for the 2012–13 program year
  • awarded more than $100,000 in case support through the Legal Advocacy Fund
  • enjoyed a 31 percent increase in the number of Action Network subscribers, adding more than twice as many new subscribers as we did in 2011! AAUW members and supporters sent more than 100,000 letters to Capitol Hill and the Obama administration, including more than 27,700 messages alone calling for pay equity through our Two-Minute Activist.
  • continued to expand our global commitment to women and girls through participating in the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women and the U.S. National Committee for U.N. Women, sending an international delegation to China, and hosting women visitors from abroad seeking to learn more about AAUW’s mission and programs.