American Olympic Women

Gabby Douglas is first black woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal  in the gymnastics All-Around competition.  Her Olympic Gold Medal is one of 29 Gold Medals won by U.S. women athletes compared to the U.S. men’s 45 Gold Medals (as of the closing day of the 2012 Summer Olympics).  Overall the Women atheletes won 58 medals compared to the men’s 45 medals  for a combined total of 104 U.S. medals.  The 29 Gold Medals won by our women is almost double their total from 2008, when they had 15 gold medals. If our U.S. women were a country, they’d be in third place in the gold medal race, behind China by just 9

How did all this happen for women?  Forty years ago Title IX gave little girls a reason to dare to dream to be Olympic champions. Now for the first time in Olympics history there are more women than men competing: 269 women and 261 men.  Because of Title IX, American women have had an advantage over the women from most other countries competing in the Olympics.