UCR Chancellor Kim Wilcox to Speak

Dr. Kim Wilcox came to the University of California Riverside in August of 1913 after an illustrious career as Provost of Michigan State University from KimWilcox-WEB2005 to 2013  Before that he had served as Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Vice Provost for General Education at the University of Kansas.

Dr. Wilcox graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in audiology and speech sciences in 1976.  He earned  master’s and doctoral degrees in speech and hearing science from Purdue University in 1978 and 1980, respectively.

“My values and interests align perfectly with UC Riverside, one of the nation’s great research universities. I look forward to meeting with students, faculty, staff, alumni and members of the larger community, to learning and exchanging ideas and to working toward making Riverside the best it can be.”

AAUW is indeed fortunate to have this outstanding Chancellor as our speaker on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH AT 10:00 AM.  The event will take place at ALTURA CREDIT UNION,           2847 CAMPUS PARKWAY,  in Riverside. just off Day Street