AAUW Women in Charge of Congress?

imagesLiberally copied from Lisa Maatz

Sometimes I think AAUW members should be in charge of Congress. Just imagine how much more work would get done, and in a bipartisan fashion – AAUW members know how to get the job done. Think about it:  the House leadership essentially declared comprehensive immigration reform DOA. We’ve been waiting years for Congress to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, and enact paid family and medical leave.

Compare this inaction to all the good works AAUW members have been up to, and you’ll see my point.  You’ve sent thousands of messages to Congress, written letters to the editor, and served your communities and AAUW in so many other uncountable ways.

Bottom line: AAUW members aren’t getting discouraged by our elected officials’ latest fad of doing nothing. We’re too busy moving the needle on the issues we care about. Thank you, and keep it up!

Yours in AAUW,                                                                                          Lisa M. Maatz                                                                                            Vice President of Government Relations