Equal Pay Day is Coming


Equal Pay Day is coming on Tuesday, April 8th and we have something to celebrate.  Equal Pay Day is the day when women will have earned the same amount of money that men earned by December 31st of 2013.

Today, there was some exciting news.  President Barack Obama is going to sign the executive order banning federal contractors from retaliating against employees who ask about or disclose salary information! In the same ceremony, he will also direct the Department of Labor to move forward on the data compensation tool that will help us see if federal contractors and subcontractors are discriminating against women with our taxpayer dollars.

All of this will happen at a White House event on Tuesday (Equal Pay Day!) where Lilly Ledbetter will introduce the president and AAUW will proudly stand with her while the president signs the two documents bringing us one step closer to equal pay.

Soon after President Obama makes his actions official on Tuesday, the Senate will have an opportunity to join the president on the right side of history by passing the Paycheck Fairness Act. The Senate could vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act as early as Tuesday or Wednesday of this week! After that, working families nationwide will be looking to the House to bring up the Paycheck Fairness Act for a vote so we can finally ensure all workers earn the equal pay they deserve.