SEIBC Leadership Day Conference

By Taffy Geith

     The South East Inter-Branch Council (SEIBC) Leadership Conference for California AAUW  met on Saturday, June 29, at Pomona College in Claremont, California from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM.  This conference provides Branch representatives the opportunity to exchange and share information and ideas that support the growth and strength of the mission of AAUW CA.

     After registration and some refreshing snacks, Chair, Gloria Romero, welcomed all who came and thanked them for traveling despite the hot weather.  She made note of the day’s program – four individual presentations, interrupted by a break for a buffet lunch, with the last hour of the conference  giving attendees the option to select between two special workshops, and finally, a brief business meeting.

     Donna Mertens, Victorville, began by asking each Branch to share a particular success that they had had this year.  Answers varied – gains in memberships, more girls to Tech Trek, a special speaker, were   some of the answers.   Donna continued with asking how AAUW currently fits into the world?  She provided statistics that show AAUW CA leading in many areas  — donations, number of branches, percentage of the US population, and many more,  — yet we are declining in membership.  She offered suggestions for growth – social media posts on such as Facebook, increasing student leaders, mission based programs, (she included many others) and leadership development such as that of today.

     Anne Henke, Ontario, reminded us of the members of the On-Line Branch.  There are 47 members  who find it successful because it allows for a greater diversity of contacts.  Example: The recent viewing of the documentary film, “The Invisible War”.  This  brought a great exchange on-line of different ideas and analysis – undoubtedly a social and intellectual exercise of value to these members.  They have a Book of the Month Club, and the same pleasures are derived from that.  Dues are only $10.00 per year if you are also a member of National, State, and a local branch.

     Donna Lilly, Del Mar-Leucadia, has long been an advocate of colleges and universities as partner members of AAUW.  We have 600 E-student affiliates in California – they pay no fees if their college is a partner of AAUW.  She cited Start Smart – the AAUW organization that teaches students how to negotiate salaries and benefits.  Also, Elect Her where students learn how to campaign and win an election.  She commended the student organization at San Jacinto Community College – 15 years now as an affiliate of Temecula.  Donna said that we must celebrate our local scholars and recruit diverse members.

     It was at this time that we took a break for our very tasty buffet lunch and had time to catch up with friends and also, to make new acquaintances.

     Carolann Ford, Ontario, is very familiar with AAUW Funds and the fact that their sources are often  member donations.  She presented each attendee with a chart which gave a visual display of the specific programs these funds support.  She also gave each Branch a packet titled “Bill of Rights for Donors”  with a list on page two of fund raising ideas.  Tech Trek is a special program for many Branches and, since it is expensive, some Branches raise funds by getting donations or grants from local businesses, local civic groups, politicians and even military groups.  Carolann emphasized that Branches be transparent about what is tax deductible — silent auctions and raffles can be difficult to decipher.    $46.00 of National dues are tax deductible but state and local dues are not.

     At this time attendees selected one of two workshops.

     Jo Turner, Riverside, has a passion for AAUW and for gaining new members for her Branch.  She believes that mission based programs held in a public place are essential.  Well designed flyers that promote the program with  the featured speaker can be e-mailed to members, and to SEIBC members,  city officials, presidents of local organizations,  and all the important people of the community.  These flyers are excellent advertisements and members often hand them out to friends and/or ask to display them in public places.   At the meetings the membership chairperson must meet and greet members and guests, and have guests look and take brochures and membership forms (that have a skills and talent survey on the back.)   Lastly, as her “piece de resistance”,  (which Jo calls her elevator speech), Jo holds up her Shape the Future paper that tells first time guests that they can join that very day at a reduced price – which is a real bargain.  Of course, new members must be made welcome at meetings, introduced to the web-sites and invited to Board Meetings.

     Donna Lilly, former president of AAUW CA, concentrated her topic on “Thinking Outside the Box by using Programs in the Box.”  She used the Q and A approach that focused on programs that engage current members and attract diverse populations on campus and in the community.  She cited certain programs such as: Legal Advocacy Fund Campus Outreach that help campuses combat sex discrimination, and Campus Sexual Assault that collaborates with Students Active for Ending Rape.  Other suggestions for programs are — holding a  Public Policy Brunch, offering Grassroots Leadership Training and campaigning Woman to Woman Voter Turnout.  All of these create opportunities for AAUW to be visible on campus and in the community.  These are but a few of the suggestions Donna offered – many covered in “Programs in a Box”.

     Chair, Gloria Romero, called a brief business meeting: The Treasurer, Bobbie Jessup, presented her report for audit;  Carolann Ford was selected as the new SEIBC Chair for next year,  and Carrie Childress and Taffy Geith were asked to be secretaries for next year

     This Conference, 38 attendees representing 10 Branches, demonstrated the positive effectiveness of the SEIBC.  The presenters clearly articulated their knowledge of their specific topics that both promote growth and meet the challenges that face AAUW CA going forward.  Everyone had a renewed awareness of the power in the name, American Association of University Women, and the fact that this organization has a need to fit in our world.  Our SEIBC mission remains unchanged and our resolve is firm and  optimistic.

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