New Title IX Resource Guide


Public awareness of the broad scope of Title IX issues is finally receiving attention. The law applies to recruitment and admissions; counseling; financial aid; sexual harassment, including sexual violence; pregnant and parenting students; school discipline; single-sex education; and employment. It also ensures that there are reporting options, grievance procedures, and nonretaliation Title IX coordinators will now have a resource guide to assist educating their communities about all of Title IX’s scope.

Title IX requires that every school must designate at least one employee who is responsible for coordinating the school’s compliance. This person is sometimes referred to as the Title IX coordinator. Coordinators oversee all complaints of sex discrimination. They also identify and address any patterns or systemic problems at their schools.

Up until now, Title !X coordinators have had no guides for the scope of their jobs nor any resources available to help them. This new resource guide should make their jobs much easier and make the coordinators more effective.