Women to Run for Office ?

If you want a woman to run for office, you might have to ask her not once, not twice, but seven times.

Maybe that explains why so few women end up in Congress (we’re at just 18.5 percent representation right now). It certainly sheds some light on why 24 states have never elected a woman governor, 22 states have never elected a woman to the U.S. Senate, and four states have never elected a woman to either chamber of Congress.

An AAUW program called Elect Her–Campus Women Win trains college women how to run an effective political campaign.

There are thousands of Elect Her alumnae, and many have taken the skills and tools they learned from Elect Her and used them to launch successful campaigns for student government positions and even for local office!

Even more inspiring, 95 percent of alumnae from 2014 said that Elect Her prepared them to run for office. More than 50 percent of women surveyed after the training said they were thinking about running for office, and 21 percent reported that they planned to run in the next 10 years

Moslly RockettMolly Rockett  got elected at age 20.  For two minutes watch this Elect Her graduate talk about her experience.  It’s inspiring.
