The Senate Votes Today

You have to be able to move quickly when you see a threat to women’s rights. The AAUW Action Fund Capitol Hill Lobby Corps, a group of volunteers who walk the halls of Congress almost every week to advance AAUW’s priorities, were on the Hill last week to demand quick action to restore women’s rights after the shocking Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby.

Last week, the House and Senate introduced legislation that woulimagesd protect women’s access to affordable contraception following the Hobby Lobby ruling. More than 70 congressional offices received a visit from Lobby Corps members the very next day to show Congress that women aren’t going to stand for discrimination in their health care. The Senate is expected to vote on this AAUW-supported legislation TODAY.

Yesterday (7/16/14) the Republicans, on a procedural vote, blocked a Senate vote on legislation that would have protected women’s access to affordable contraception.  So fight on we will !