Carole Nagengast to Speak

Carole Nagengast will be speaking at Habitat for Humanity in Riverside (2180 Iowa Avenue, near Spruce)  on Thursday, February 13th at at 10:00 AM.

Carole Nagengast

Carole Nagengast

Dr. Nagengast has been a member of Amnesty International for 32 years, on the board for 14 years and was chair of the board for 5 years.  She also participated for several years in Riverside’s Amnesty International.

Dr. Nagengast has chaired the American Association for the Advancement of Science Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility and the Committee for Human Rights, the American Anthropological Association Committee for Human Rights, and the Society for Applied Anthropology Committee on Human Rights and Social Justice. She is also the Chair of Board of Directors of the Claire N. Connelly Scholarship Foundation, a college scholarship fund for the children of police officers in Riverside CA. The Connelly Foundation honors Nagengast’s daughter, a police officer killed in the line of duty in 1998.

She is widely published on issues of immigration, refugees, and human rights.