Remembrance of Things Past

Back Row:  Marilyn Dunagan, Muriel Berger, Ruth Wilson, Beverly Cox Front Row:  Jean Lewis, Ted Dyer, Bessie Ridley, Tula Gallenos

Back Row: Marilyn Dunagan, Muriel Berger, Ruth Wilson, Beverly Cox
Front Row: Jean Lewis, Ted Dyer, Bessie Ridley, Tula Gallenos


imgresBy Taffy Geith

Members of the Riverside Branch of the American  Association of University Women (AAUW) gathered at the elegant home of Luisa Tassan on Wednesday, December 6, at 1:00 pm to celebrate their 70th anniversary as a Branch and for their annual cookie exchange.  Also, the Branch was giving special honor to eight long-time treasured members: Muriel Berger, Beverly Cox, Marilyn Dunagan, Ted Dyer, Tula Gallanes, Jean Lewis, Bessie Ridley, and Ruth Wilson.  The lengths of their memberships in the Riverside Branch ranged from 35 years to 63 years.

     President, Barb Ryon, began by reminding us that AAUW is 132 years old, fighting to improve the lives of women and girls.  Longevity has its perks, e.g. bragging rights about people you’ve known that have helped you, and also the right to spend time reflecting on historical moments such as the best things that occurred after AAUW started in 1881.  AAUW is older than the Empire State Building, The Lincoln Memorial. The Ferris Wheel, and the Statue of Liberty, to name but a few.

     With President Barb Ryon’s gracious guidance, the honored guests were called on to share not only their memories, but their motivations for joining and their insights into the changes they’ve seen.  Answers varied, some joined AAUW because of our interest groups — bridge, current affairs, scholarship funds, and others because of invitations from friends.  Many had held offices in their different branches at the local, state and even national levels and  these were positive experiences.   Some said that they have found their best friends in their AAUW Branch. One member  thought that our most recent endeavors in supporting the Tech Trek Program of sending 8th grade girls to summer camp at UC San Diego has been the most forward looking of our efforts, and brought the most positive responses.  The Riverside Branch will be sending seven girls from Riverside Unified School District and two girls from Moreno Valley next summer for immersion in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math.

     These honest appraisals from such experienced members through the good times (many members) and the lean times ( fewer members) were informative and appreciated by those attending.    After  kind applause, Carrie Garrett presented each honoree with a white rose symbolizing our high regard for them.

     President, Barb Ryon, thanked the honored guests for their presence, and participation, and thanked our hostess, Luisa Tassan, for such a perfect place to meet.  She invited everyone to  have cake, ice cream, and, of course, exchange  the delicious looking cookies and catch up on news and views.

     Members who were present left with a new appreciation for all those who had “broken new ground” when they started our Branch and the tenacity of all the succeeding members who “stayed the course” to keep our Branch viable and for which we are now responsible .