I am a Woman

By Ruth Anderson Wilson

I am a woman.  I devoutly believe In equality of spirit  that we all are entitled to, but all do not have.  I love this country for being as close as it is for providing me with what I now so enjoy .  I do what I can to keep that democratic belief alive for tomorrow’s  population.


I am   proud of  being  wife, sister, mother, aunt, grandmother, and friend of the military.  I know how the Military is run.  It cannot be called a democracy.  The leaders call the shots, right or wrong.

My mother was a re-converted Catholic.  Like the military, the priests were the final word.  The Catholic Church has never been a democracy.  The only dissent is to leave the church.  I saw the  huge role of the despotic  cleric in Iraq, and see it continue to rule  in many places today.

When one has a vote,  one should not need to defend that position.  It is the right of that person to express his position with the vote.   We need independent thinkers in the government structure or we lose today’s  planning for tomorrow’s future.  It goes instead to money for the privileged..

Rule means money  to keep being  in power.  Power creates money  to continue to rule.

That is not democracy.  That is today’s world happening right now.