Tech Trek 2013 Meeting

By Lisa Newhall

See these pictures!  And 50 people attending! And six new members!  What a fabulous program we had for Tech Trek!  We had 5 of our 7 campers at the brunch who shared their exciting and touching stories about their time at UCSD.  Listening to our    girls always reassures me that we are making a difference in their lives by offering this particular opportunity.  And, we now will be sending girls from Moreno Valley Unified School district as well!  Dr. White, Superintendent, and Dr. Kedziora, Assistant Superintendent, were guests at our brunch.  Both expressed their excitement about having their  district participate in the program this coming year.  We also had Councilman Andy Melendrez as a guest.  He presented each of the girls with a beautiful certificate from the City of Riverside – signed by the mayor too!

I am pleased to announce that we raised a little over $1000 at the brunch, with some of the donations specifically targeted for our new Moreno Valley addition!  As always, if you know of an organization or business that might be willing to make a contribution, please let me know.  I am willing to bring girls and talk with anyone.

Thank you all for your support!  A special thanks to all of my committee members and my co-chair, Christine, for all of your efforts.  Our program has grown so much, that it takes a committee to make it all as successful as it is.