Lose 6% of Your Paycheck?

One year after college graduation, women are
already paid less than the men with whom they graduated.  According to AAUW’s report, Graduating to Pay Gap: The Earnings of Women and Men One Year after College Graduation, one-third of the gap between women’s and men’s paychecks is unexplained.  Women one year out of college are still paid 6.6 percent less than their male counterparts

Do you think 6.6 percent sounds small? Not much to worry about? If you do the math, you’ll find that 6.6 percent of an average man’s earnings one year out of college comes to just over $2,800.

That amount of money could buy you ——


Nearly a year’s worth of groceries

Over 750 gallons of gas

1,400 tall Starbucks coffees