The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was signed into law by President Bill Clinton 20 years ago, on February 5, 1963. The Act allows qualified employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year to care for a new baby or recently adopted child, tend to a seriously ill family member, or overcome their own serious health problems. About 62 percent of workers qualify for FMLA.
A New Federal Study finds Family and Medical Leave Act has worked well for workers and businesses. Still nearly 40% of workers are not covered, and millions more cannot afford the unpaid leave the law provides. Now it’s time to take the next step and get Congress to expand the law so more workers can take leave for more reasons, and to adopt a national paid family and medical leave program.
AAUW played a significant role in getting the FMLA passed starting backThe effe in 1986 with an official endorsement of national family and medical leave legislation. AAUW delegates then adopted family and medical leave as an action priority at our 1987 National Convention. The effective lobbying efforts of AAUW’s Lobby Corps continued unabated until the Act was finally passed in 1963