On Wednesday, January 23, fair pay champions in the House and Senate will reintroduce the Paycheck Fairness Act, one of AAUW’s top priorities for the 113th Congress. You can be a part of the behind-the-scenes work to get this bill passed by urging your members of Congress to become original cosponsors. A large number of original cosponsors demonstrates broad support for passing a piece of legislation: The more cosponsors we have on the day the Paycheck Fairness Act is reintroduced, the better chance we have of making this bill a law.
The Paycheck Fairness Act would deter wage discrimination by closing loopholes in the Equal Pay Act and barring retaliation against workers who disclose their own wages to coworkers. We can’t make real progress in closing the wage gap until we strengthen enforcement of existing anti-discrimination laws and give women the tools they need to get the pay they deserve. Take action now: Urge your members of Congress to become original cosponsors of the Paycheck Fairness Act.