Lisa Maatz Visits So. Cal.

“Stories from the Frontiers:  The War on Women, Fact or Myth?”

Talk by Lisa Maatz

Reported by Barb Ryon

     Lisa Maatz, The American Association of University Women Director of Public Policy and Government Relations, gave a stimulating talk on this topic last month at Claremont McKenna Athenaueum.   The audience was primarily college aged women and men.  There was AAUW representation as 3 members of the Riverside Branch attended along with others from the extended area. Five delightful young ladies joined us at our table and shared their views and concerns on this topic.

     Maatz is a sought -after speaker across the nation and on Capitol Hill and provides leadership to several coalitions working to advance opportunities for women and girls. She was instrumental in achieving passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

     Lisa’s talk focused on all of the issues relating to women’s rights, specifically women’s health decision issues that have been such a focus in the media. A concern for all women should be that the committee members making these decisions and recommendations have not included women is the discussion. A direct outcome of these conversations about birth control is that we are more aware of the role government plays in our everyday life.  Women are joining into the conversation and becoming more vocal about issues that directly relate to all women.  Working women and childcare issues are a new reality for everyone.

     AAUW’s role is to continue to keep women’s issues at the forefront and educate all women of the importance of open dialogue and involvement at all levels of government from your local area to Washington, D. C.  Due diligence is necessary to not lose the progress that has been made.

     We were encouraged to keep the dialogue going and to write letters or make phone calls to our individual Congressional representatives as these are the two most effective ways to have our voices  be heard.