New LAF Title IX Case

In late February, the AAUW board voted to accept a new case, Bull v. Board of Trustees of Ball State University. Kathy Bull was the head coach for the women’s tennis team at Ball State University in Indiana for 21 years. While there, she advocated for Title IX issues and mentored young female coaches. She was fired midseason in 2009, allegedly as the result of NCAA violations. Bull argues, however, that she was fired in retaliation for speaking out against a pattern of discrimination in the athletic department. In July 2010, she filed a lawsuit against the university in the U.S. District Court for Southern Indiana, claiming violations of her rights under Title IX. The university filed a motion to dismiss Bull’s claims. In December 2011, the court decided not to dismiss the primary claim of retaliation. Bull’s trial is set for April 9, 2012.