Lilly Ledbetter’s Book to Come out on February 28, 2012

If you haven’t been to the CA state conventions or National convention in the last two or three years, you probably haven’t heard Lily Ledbetter’s compelling story of her struggles at Goodyear Tire Company and subsequently the courts and even the Supreme Court. You can now read about these struggles. Lily has written a book, Grace and Grit: My Fight for Equal Pay and Fairness at Goodyear and Beyond.  AAUW will host an event on March 7 to celebrate the release of Lilly Ledbetter’s book.  Ledbetter and AAUW Executive Director Linda Hallman will discuss the road to signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act at the event.  Directly as a result of Ledbettter’s unfair treatment by the Company and by the Supreme Court, President Barack Obama famously signed this groundbreaking law, which amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to reset the statute of limitations for discriminatory pay, as among his first official acts as president in January 2009. Ledbetter’s book comes out on February 28. Additionally, Ledbetter will appear on both CBS’ This Morning and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show on March 5.

Now we need strengthen national pay equity laws by getting the Paycheck Fairness Act passed.